Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 4....Wait a I maybe enjoying this....

So day 4....first off...lets get real who would have thought I would have ever made it this far? NOT THIS GIRL! I LOVE FOOD. Its like my favorite thing in the whole world...a lot of times I plan my whole week around it.  (yep super sad). Clearly we know its the Lord and not me making me get through this.  I was extremely tired this morning but woke up and weirdly was not hungry.  I got ready and drank my big glass of cold water and headed out the door to the COLDEST Fargo day I feel yet.  Stopped in to see MR Jared Wambach on 25th st at body Evolution got my morning shake and tea.  Then headed to work.  Everyone in the grocery store has been so supportive of my juicing.  First off the deli misses me...I am a valued customer...I pay most of there rent from all the lunches I buy there...and I always go to the same cashiers.  After I let them know what I was doing they swing by to see me and see how I am doing.  One of the baggers approached me yesterday.  We always have chit chatted back and forth and I told him about what I was doing and to watch the movie Fat Sick and Nearly dead.  He came back today and told me his wife and him are going to start tomorrow doing it with me.  It felt so awesome to help give them the inspiration.  Later in the morning my poor co-worker got super sick and had to go home.  I  had no problem taking the lead but that meant no lunch for me.  I was a little nervous of how I was going to do without my shake.  Can we just say thank you Lord for NICKY B.  She came today brought me a shake and then took my car to get my oil changed.  Seriously so thankful for a friend like her.  She helped me get through the day :) When I came home tonight I realized I really wasn't even that hungry but I knew I should juice because I was feeling run down.  I juiced and i realized I was a lot more hungry then I thought.  its crazy how my body just took it in.  I feel completely satisfied now and have a lot of energy again.  So weird.  As I sat down to type this I received a text from my good friend Aaron telling me he is going to start a juice cleanse as well! Super awesome to have the support and friends doing it with me.  He told me his son Jack calls the mean green Angry juice.  That is exactly what it is in the first three days. ANGER.  Its amazing how much time eating and food consumes my life.  I feel like I get so much more done not doing it.  Thank you God for Clarity Happiness and support today!

1 comment:

  1. Katie I'm so impressed with the changes you've made. You sound like you are doing awesome and you have some amazing friends. I've read your blog everyday and I really enjoy it. Keep up the good work. God bless!
