Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 3...The chips on aisle 11 I swear are telling me to eat them.

Day 3.  I wish I could just end the day already and I will after this post be going straight to bed.  Today was by far the toughest.  I don't think I have added anywhere in my blog that the bank branch that I work at is located inside a grocery store.  So all day long food is staring at me to eat it.  Today my boss and the boys who manage the grocery store thought it would be good to eat dove chocolates and read the sayings to me that are located inside the wrapper. they told me it would be inspirational.  I let them know how inspirational I thought it was (using appropriate language of course).  I was light headed sluggish and feeling icky all day.  Which clearly is what the movie said I would feel like.  I was super crabby and I feel bad for my co-workers for having to put up with me.  My boss went to caribou to get a smoothie at the happy hour *from 4-6 every day* which is one of my favorite things! I didn't wanna get left out so I asked him to get me a water... Caribou charged him a quarter for it.  Now normally I would not care... but for some reason today I freaked out about it.  I let my friend who is the manager know about it and after I got done ranting and raving he yelled towards the meat department someone get this girl a cheeseburger.  I then remembered how stupid I sounded.  I clearly then dropped the issue.  After work Tricia and I had made appointments with her fabulous cousin Chelsey Stoa at Anytime Fitness for the new cold Laser treatment therapy they offer.  It is free the first time so you can see the instant results.  I did my lower stomach and I lost 6 inch's in 15 minutes.  It was amazing.  Didn't hurt and was super easy and quick.  They then make you go home and exercise for an hour to help the results.  I couldn't do much because I was super fatigued and I didn't wanna push myself to much.  I got my hour walk/bike in while watching some t-wolves Ball and then came up and juiced.  I think I found my new favorite recipe.

4 kale leaves
1/2 cucumber
3 celery
handful of parsley
4 heaping handfuls of spinach
2 apples
1/2 lime
1 lemon

in that order.  Well good night...Hope i wake up happy tomorrow....I do not like being non happy and quiet clearly we know I am not either of these things.

1 comment:

  1. keep it up Katie! I'm starting a 3 week juice-only diet/cleanse on Monday! Try Carrots, 1 apple, 2 oranges, and a half of a grapefuit! its yummy!! - Ashley Schultz
