Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 1...Detoxification....

Today I am starting a new journey.  I decided to start a juicing fast for one week.  I want to detoxify my body and start to get rid of all the bad foods and caffeine that I am addicted too.  Now if you are wondering what made me start this random challenge it happens to be the anniversary of my sobriety tomorrow.  I decided a while back (sometime last year) if I can quit smoking and quit drinking alcohol I can quit my addiction to food.  I gave myself the first year to focus on my new walk with Christ, my struggle with addiction (to alcohol and cigarettes) and to finding myself.  I told myself after that year this was my next goal.  I also (as embarrassing as it is to talk about and tell everyone about it) told myself I was going to have people hold me accountable.  So that's what this blog is.   IF one person reads it and can support me through prayers or even wants to JUICE with me:) I would be so happy.  Today I found inspiration in the movie on netflix Fat, Sick and nearly dead.  They also juiced and it changed their lives.  In the movie a trucker who is nearly 430 pounds loses 202 pounds in 10months just by juicing.  It gets him off all of his medications and basically saves his life.   The movie gave me the motivation I needed to get through the first day.  My first juicing experience however was not the best.  It tasted sort of like a combo of a bloody Mary with apple juice mixed in.  I maybe should stick to recipes before I try to make my own up.

I rode with my dear friend Nicky to Bismarck today for an adventure.  She was so supportive of me.  On most road trips the best part is stopping to eat at random places you normally don't get to go too.  (I am allowing myself to have herbal life or vi shakes when juicing is not available btw)  She found me THE only herbal life shake shop in BISMARCK ND and brought me to it.  Just so I wouldn't have to cheat on day one already.  She also drank one with me which made me feel even better.  We had such a great time but I have never had to stop on a road trip to go to the bathroom so much in my life.  I feel like every other second one of us had to pee.  We took some super fun pics of us and the buffalo and the bird in Steele.  We also helped a guy who went in the ditch out on the way home.  We spoke with him and brought a little bit of light into his life as well.  All and all a great trip.  Day 1 you were great....bring on day 2 with hopefully a better juice drink.

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