Saturday, February 9, 2013

Bring it on BLIZZARD....and not the amazing DQ kind...

This week was a great week.  I did my two body by vi shakes a day.  I finally found a recipe I really enjoy.  Who knew that Jumba juice sold a frozen natural mix in the freezer section.  Its amazing and its 60 calories if you don't add the juice.  I mix that with some almond coconut milk two scoops of vi and its like a dream.  I have been struggling with my dinner choices but I still have been trying to keep them sort of healthy.  Strawberry Vinaigrette salads were my go to this week.  I still am sitting at a total weight loss of 14IBs.  I gained some back from the juice cleanse but this week I feel like I plateaued already.  Is that normal? I wonder what I am doing wrong.  I know I should be working out more but I just am already getting discouraged.  Tomorrow is Sunday which means new week.  A new start.  I am happy for that.  Tonight my friend Karlee and I went to watch some NDSU girls basketball and It made me very eager to get back into shape.  Those girls have such amazing arms.  It really gave me the motivation I need for the working out part.  I have such amazing things going for me in life right now.  I just want this part to come together so I can enjoy everything to the fullest.  I have just been so tired and lazy lately...even while eating healthy.  We are suppose to get a big blizzard tomorrow which might be good for me.. Trip to the treadmill and get some stuff organized for the week.  Its like mother nature is  forcing me to stay home and take care of myself.  I hope everyone stays safe and enjoys the break from reality!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Well...Day 5 It is.....

Yesterday...I felt like a failure..... Around 1:30p I became super light headed... very dizzy...and I thought I was going to pass out... I sat in the back on my break and felt like death. (except lets get real I don't really know what that feels like)  My boss came in the back room with subway placed it behind me and said EAT.  He stated that he brought me something healthy and said enough is enough you need food.  This is your body telling you it needs something now either you eat or you go HOME.  I felt horrible but I did it.  Subway had never tasted so good to me in all my life.  I feel like a failure because I did however only make it five days on my cleanse.  I am not giving up though.  I still am doing my two shakes a day and going to juice in the morning with a healthy meal at night.  This is a marathon not a sprint.  Its amazing how quickly though you give up after you feel like you have failed.  Yesterday depression set in right away.  I came home from work had pasta because I was emotional eating (in my mind I had already failed) and went straight to bed.  I didn't want to talk to anyone or even watch TV.  I just wanted to sleep because I was mad with myself. (I am embarrassed for the way I responded to my failure yesterday but I want to be as real as possible in this blog and not lie.)   What was I mad about? I had made it more than most people would have on this.  Why do I always have to compare myself to others?  Katie last year at this time would have not made it past day 1 dinner without eating.  Especially since I work in a grocery store.  I woke up today and realize I am proud of myself.  I am proud of who I have become and I am happy with what God has given me.  I am very lucky for the friends and family in my life and I will continue on this journey.  This blog really does help me keep going.  I am a very words of affirmation person so all the messages I have been receiving are like gifts for me! Hopefully today I will not feel as I did yesterday.