Saturday, February 9, 2013

Bring it on BLIZZARD....and not the amazing DQ kind...

This week was a great week.  I did my two body by vi shakes a day.  I finally found a recipe I really enjoy.  Who knew that Jumba juice sold a frozen natural mix in the freezer section.  Its amazing and its 60 calories if you don't add the juice.  I mix that with some almond coconut milk two scoops of vi and its like a dream.  I have been struggling with my dinner choices but I still have been trying to keep them sort of healthy.  Strawberry Vinaigrette salads were my go to this week.  I still am sitting at a total weight loss of 14IBs.  I gained some back from the juice cleanse but this week I feel like I plateaued already.  Is that normal? I wonder what I am doing wrong.  I know I should be working out more but I just am already getting discouraged.  Tomorrow is Sunday which means new week.  A new start.  I am happy for that.  Tonight my friend Karlee and I went to watch some NDSU girls basketball and It made me very eager to get back into shape.  Those girls have such amazing arms.  It really gave me the motivation I need for the working out part.  I have such amazing things going for me in life right now.  I just want this part to come together so I can enjoy everything to the fullest.  I have just been so tired and lazy lately...even while eating healthy.  We are suppose to get a big blizzard tomorrow which might be good for me.. Trip to the treadmill and get some stuff organized for the week.  Its like mother nature is  forcing me to stay home and take care of myself.  I hope everyone stays safe and enjoys the break from reality!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Well...Day 5 It is.....

Yesterday...I felt like a failure..... Around 1:30p I became super light headed... very dizzy...and I thought I was going to pass out... I sat in the back on my break and felt like death. (except lets get real I don't really know what that feels like)  My boss came in the back room with subway placed it behind me and said EAT.  He stated that he brought me something healthy and said enough is enough you need food.  This is your body telling you it needs something now either you eat or you go HOME.  I felt horrible but I did it.  Subway had never tasted so good to me in all my life.  I feel like a failure because I did however only make it five days on my cleanse.  I am not giving up though.  I still am doing my two shakes a day and going to juice in the morning with a healthy meal at night.  This is a marathon not a sprint.  Its amazing how quickly though you give up after you feel like you have failed.  Yesterday depression set in right away.  I came home from work had pasta because I was emotional eating (in my mind I had already failed) and went straight to bed.  I didn't want to talk to anyone or even watch TV.  I just wanted to sleep because I was mad with myself. (I am embarrassed for the way I responded to my failure yesterday but I want to be as real as possible in this blog and not lie.)   What was I mad about? I had made it more than most people would have on this.  Why do I always have to compare myself to others?  Katie last year at this time would have not made it past day 1 dinner without eating.  Especially since I work in a grocery store.  I woke up today and realize I am proud of myself.  I am proud of who I have become and I am happy with what God has given me.  I am very lucky for the friends and family in my life and I will continue on this journey.  This blog really does help me keep going.  I am a very words of affirmation person so all the messages I have been receiving are like gifts for me! Hopefully today I will not feel as I did yesterday. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 4....Wait a I maybe enjoying this....

So day 4....first off...lets get real who would have thought I would have ever made it this far? NOT THIS GIRL! I LOVE FOOD. Its like my favorite thing in the whole world...a lot of times I plan my whole week around it.  (yep super sad). Clearly we know its the Lord and not me making me get through this.  I was extremely tired this morning but woke up and weirdly was not hungry.  I got ready and drank my big glass of cold water and headed out the door to the COLDEST Fargo day I feel yet.  Stopped in to see MR Jared Wambach on 25th st at body Evolution got my morning shake and tea.  Then headed to work.  Everyone in the grocery store has been so supportive of my juicing.  First off the deli misses me...I am a valued customer...I pay most of there rent from all the lunches I buy there...and I always go to the same cashiers.  After I let them know what I was doing they swing by to see me and see how I am doing.  One of the baggers approached me yesterday.  We always have chit chatted back and forth and I told him about what I was doing and to watch the movie Fat Sick and Nearly dead.  He came back today and told me his wife and him are going to start tomorrow doing it with me.  It felt so awesome to help give them the inspiration.  Later in the morning my poor co-worker got super sick and had to go home.  I  had no problem taking the lead but that meant no lunch for me.  I was a little nervous of how I was going to do without my shake.  Can we just say thank you Lord for NICKY B.  She came today brought me a shake and then took my car to get my oil changed.  Seriously so thankful for a friend like her.  She helped me get through the day :) When I came home tonight I realized I really wasn't even that hungry but I knew I should juice because I was feeling run down.  I juiced and i realized I was a lot more hungry then I thought.  its crazy how my body just took it in.  I feel completely satisfied now and have a lot of energy again.  So weird.  As I sat down to type this I received a text from my good friend Aaron telling me he is going to start a juice cleanse as well! Super awesome to have the support and friends doing it with me.  He told me his son Jack calls the mean green Angry juice.  That is exactly what it is in the first three days. ANGER.  Its amazing how much time eating and food consumes my life.  I feel like I get so much more done not doing it.  Thank you God for Clarity Happiness and support today!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 3...The chips on aisle 11 I swear are telling me to eat them.

Day 3.  I wish I could just end the day already and I will after this post be going straight to bed.  Today was by far the toughest.  I don't think I have added anywhere in my blog that the bank branch that I work at is located inside a grocery store.  So all day long food is staring at me to eat it.  Today my boss and the boys who manage the grocery store thought it would be good to eat dove chocolates and read the sayings to me that are located inside the wrapper. they told me it would be inspirational.  I let them know how inspirational I thought it was (using appropriate language of course).  I was light headed sluggish and feeling icky all day.  Which clearly is what the movie said I would feel like.  I was super crabby and I feel bad for my co-workers for having to put up with me.  My boss went to caribou to get a smoothie at the happy hour *from 4-6 every day* which is one of my favorite things! I didn't wanna get left out so I asked him to get me a water... Caribou charged him a quarter for it.  Now normally I would not care... but for some reason today I freaked out about it.  I let my friend who is the manager know about it and after I got done ranting and raving he yelled towards the meat department someone get this girl a cheeseburger.  I then remembered how stupid I sounded.  I clearly then dropped the issue.  After work Tricia and I had made appointments with her fabulous cousin Chelsey Stoa at Anytime Fitness for the new cold Laser treatment therapy they offer.  It is free the first time so you can see the instant results.  I did my lower stomach and I lost 6 inch's in 15 minutes.  It was amazing.  Didn't hurt and was super easy and quick.  They then make you go home and exercise for an hour to help the results.  I couldn't do much because I was super fatigued and I didn't wanna push myself to much.  I got my hour walk/bike in while watching some t-wolves Ball and then came up and juiced.  I think I found my new favorite recipe.

4 kale leaves
1/2 cucumber
3 celery
handful of parsley
4 heaping handfuls of spinach
2 apples
1/2 lime
1 lemon

in that order.  Well good night...Hope i wake up happy tomorrow....I do not like being non happy and quiet clearly we know I am not either of these things.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 2.....Is that my head or is someone pounding really loud/hard things directly on it...

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Obviously very hungry but pushed through my hunger and got myself up and ready.  I weighed myself just because I was curious.  Thought maybe one pound, maybe a half a pound.  I have lost 9 IBS since yesterday morning at that time.  So Nicky in answering to your question when you asked I wonder how much we actually are peeing....There is your answer.  *kind of gross I know* anyways I did a couple of shakes today one for breakfast and one for lunch and then came home and did my juicing.  My juicing today was much better after I followed a recipe and researched a few different options(clearly not while on the clock if you are reading this Brady).  Brady=Boss. I will say the guy who created this recipe says it is suppose to taste like mountain dew, LETS get real I am putting Kale, Spinach and parsley in this.  Its not going to taste like one of worlds greatest beverages.  But after tasting it, it was not bad... not mountain dew but not bad at all.  As for how I felt through the day.  I felt wonderful up until about 3pm.  I all of a sudden hit a wall and my head started to  kill me.  I began to just chug water and my headache did go away.  Probably doesn't help that my boss was talking with my co-worker about how awesome his Texas Roadhouse country fried CHICKEN was the night before that he was going to go home and eat.  It however helped so much that I had so much support and love from all of my friends and church family today.  The messages and the words of kindness were so wonderful and basically pushed me through the day.  Words can not express my friend Naomi either.  She is such a blessing.  I came back from getting my lunch shake and I had flowers on my desk saying I am so proud of you.  I don't cry very often but I had to go into the back because tears filled my eyes.  I just have never felt so blessed from all the people I have in my life.  Hence where I started thinking I need to keep trucking on this challenge because I want to spend more time with these people and finish what God wants me to do on earth.  I clearly can't do all that he wants me to do being where I am at right now.  We can always be better, healthier and value ourselves more.  I hear day 3 and 4 are the worst.  LORD HELP ME. HERE I COME.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 1...Detoxification....

Today I am starting a new journey.  I decided to start a juicing fast for one week.  I want to detoxify my body and start to get rid of all the bad foods and caffeine that I am addicted too.  Now if you are wondering what made me start this random challenge it happens to be the anniversary of my sobriety tomorrow.  I decided a while back (sometime last year) if I can quit smoking and quit drinking alcohol I can quit my addiction to food.  I gave myself the first year to focus on my new walk with Christ, my struggle with addiction (to alcohol and cigarettes) and to finding myself.  I told myself after that year this was my next goal.  I also (as embarrassing as it is to talk about and tell everyone about it) told myself I was going to have people hold me accountable.  So that's what this blog is.   IF one person reads it and can support me through prayers or even wants to JUICE with me:) I would be so happy.  Today I found inspiration in the movie on netflix Fat, Sick and nearly dead.  They also juiced and it changed their lives.  In the movie a trucker who is nearly 430 pounds loses 202 pounds in 10months just by juicing.  It gets him off all of his medications and basically saves his life.   The movie gave me the motivation I needed to get through the first day.  My first juicing experience however was not the best.  It tasted sort of like a combo of a bloody Mary with apple juice mixed in.  I maybe should stick to recipes before I try to make my own up.

I rode with my dear friend Nicky to Bismarck today for an adventure.  She was so supportive of me.  On most road trips the best part is stopping to eat at random places you normally don't get to go too.  (I am allowing myself to have herbal life or vi shakes when juicing is not available btw)  She found me THE only herbal life shake shop in BISMARCK ND and brought me to it.  Just so I wouldn't have to cheat on day one already.  She also drank one with me which made me feel even better.  We had such a great time but I have never had to stop on a road trip to go to the bathroom so much in my life.  I feel like every other second one of us had to pee.  We took some super fun pics of us and the buffalo and the bird in Steele.  We also helped a guy who went in the ditch out on the way home.  We spoke with him and brought a little bit of light into his life as well.  All and all a great trip.  Day 1 you were great....bring on day 2 with hopefully a better juice drink.